Thursday, August 28, 2014

Vitamin D: A Study On How It Prevents Breast Cancer

It has been said that optimizing one's vitamin D levels can prevent up to sixteen different types of cancer from growing and developing. Doctors Clinic's doctors in Houston have already made explicit the degree to which cancers that affect organs such as the pancrease, ovaries, testicles, and skin begin to vitiate when vitamin D doses are greatly increased. Just recently, the professionals at Doctors Clinic have noticed that patients with breast cancer start feeling stronger and healthier when they take in over 5,000 IUs of vitamin D.

Vitamin D Decreases Risk of Cancer by Over Seventy Percent

Prevention is always preferable to treatment. And when it comes to cancer, things are absolutely no different. Certainly, a great many cancer survivors are alive and kicking in the world thanks to treatment methods such as chemotherapy and even Simpson oil; though no doctor recommends that you totally rely on even the most cutting-edge treatment methodologies. None of them are fail-safe, and for this reason, it is best to focus on prevention rather than cure. A study in 2007 has shown that just raising one's serum levels to forty ng/ml is enough to obviate the most acute forms of cancer - and breast cancer in particular.

What is most surprising of all, even to some of the most seasoned health and nutrition professionals around, is that raising one's serum levels to forty ng/ml is not that difficult at all. It takes relatively little effort to get to said level, and fortunately, for women, it can be enough to keep breast canncer away. Regarding this particular 2007 study, there was a seventy-five percent reduction of incidence of cancers after only 5 years - a remarkable feat and one that ought to be celebrated all across the globe.

Vitamin D Destroys Breast Cancer Cells

The illustrious Dr. Ced Garland - the man around town at UCSD, who has remained among the most esteemed professors at the university's cancner center - has made a connection between Vitamin D definiciency and the development of cancer. Mr. Ced says that in practically every single case for patients with breast cancer, there is a lack of vitamin D, which affects the structure of the all important epithelial cells. Essentially, these particular cells stick to one another by a sticky substance known as E-cadherin. E-cadherin provides structure to the cell. And we all know that withotu structure, nothing can be sustenable for any great length of time - whether we're talking about man-made structures like buildings and skyscrapers or biological and natural phenomena at the cellular level. E-cadherin is mostly composed of vitamin D and calcium.

Without adequate vitamin D, that particular structure begins to call apart, and those cells do what they are programmed to do in order to survive - multiply. If this growth process spirals out of control, what results is cancer.

Daily Doses

Houston doctors recommend a daily dose of 8,000 IUs of vitamin D3 per day. It is important to stress that we are talking about D3, and not just vitamin D. Taking vitamin D3 is much safer than the synthetic D2 version, and going over the recommended dose of D3 per day doesn't do as much harm as doing so with D2. The only thing to keep in mind is that it is important to also increase one's intake of vitamin K2. Without vitamin K2, vitamin D can calcify, resulting in clogged arteries. Overall, though, it is an imperative to get one's vitamin D levels checked. Doctors Clinic Houston offers extensive vitamin deficiency testing. A minor investment of time in choosing to get one's blood taken and tested can go a long way toward understanding what the body is lacking and what it needs in order to optimize health.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Green Tea - Its Many Health Benefits

Green tea is without question among the healthiest beverages to date, with research displaying impressive health benefits not only for one's heart, but for one's bones, weight, vision, and even one's brain. Anyone with an interest in improving his or her health, and specifically his or her brain health, green tea is definitely worth a consideration.

Green Tea Improves Brain Health

According to the Mercola Natural Health Center, an individual highly regarded in the eyes of Doctors Clinic Houston, a recent study of twelve virile volunteers, the participants receiving a beverage that contained just under 28 grams of green tea extract displayed an increased connectivity between the parietal and frontal cortex of the brain compared to those who drank a non-green tea beverage.

Researchers suggest that one's cognitive functioning is strengthened if people consume pure green tea extract. And that is by far among the great benefits of tea - if you don't particularly like it for its taste (or if you only drink it once in a blue moon), you can still get the health benefits by consuming it in supplemental extract form.

The Many Other Health Benefits of green Tea

It is not just your brain that gets these wondrous benefits from green tea. Below is a list of the other ways green tea improves ones health.

The Reduction Mortality; Chronic Inflammation

Empirical studies indicate that people who drink green tea also tend to live longer. Hear problems are reduced drastically. Research also makes the case that there are holistic benefits to consuming this wondrous herb, which include a lowering of blood pressure and chronic inflammation.

Heart Health

Dr. Mercola, health expert and founder of the Natural Health Center, states that green tea contributes to an improvement of blood flow and to the ability of one's arteries to relax. In order to get these benefits, research suggests that a couple of cups of green tea each day may help prevent heart disease. Nowadays, just about every Houston doctor recommends a cup of green tea each day or so.

Type-2 Diabetes

A single study showed that people who consume around seven cups of green tea daily had a 29% lower risk of developing type two diabetes than individuals who consumed less than a single cup per week.

Vision Health

Catechins in green tea can also protect you against eye problems like glaucoma. Research has disinterred the fact that the compounds travel from your digestive system to the tissues of your eyes. During the study, the catechins found in green tea were absorbed into various parts of the eyes anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours after rats were given tea.


Green tea components show a tendency to downregulate the expression of proteins involved in inflammation, cell signalization, cell motility, and angiogenesis, while an association between green tea intake and decreased risk of cancers (including ovarian and breast) has been reported.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Vitamin D Deficiency: A Major Epidemic In the US

Theories connecting vitamin D deficiency to a number of cancers have not only been tested, but established as correct, in over 250 epidemiological studies. A grasping of its foundation from a physiological standpoint has stemmed from over two thousand lab studies, as stated by doctor Ced Garland, who is also a professor at the medicinal department of UCSD. Presented below are a few of the salient points that establish the need for greater vitamin D intake:

  • Some 610,000 instances of breast & colon cancers could have been stopped every year had vitamin D levels been upped world-wide. This is only taking account of the number of deaths for 2 kinds of cancer!
  • When you optimize vitamin D levels, that can actually help you to stop at least a whopping sixteen different kinds of cancer, some of which include: cancer of the pancrease, the lungs, the ovaries, the prostate, and skin cancers.
  • A massive study on vitamin D & cancer indicated that vitamin D can slash one's risk of getting cancer by up to 60%! When this came out, it became such groundbreaking news that the Canadian Cancer Society had actually told everyone that taking more vitamin D was the cure for cancer.
  • According to the Mercola archives, Doctor Bill Grant's study showed that close to 30% of cancer-related deaths – which amounts to 2,000,000 all over the world and 235,000 in America – could be stopped every single year with greater vitamin D intake.
  • According to the Mercola archives, Vitamin D protects against cancer in a great many ways:

    • It can cause cells with some sort of a mutation to self-destruct
    • Reduce the spread & reproduction of cancer cells
    • Cause cells the unhealthy cells to actually begin to appear different from the healthy noes (a great many cancer cells are hard to spot out, because they don't look abnormal)
    • Reduce the growth of newer blood vessels from ones that already exist - a step in the transition of dormant tumors that turn malignant

Getting past cancer, researchers have pointed out that increasing levels of vitamin D3 could prevent other chronic diseases that claim nearly one million lives throughout the world each year! Vitamin D also fights colds and the flu, as it modulates and improves the expression of genes that foment your immune system to defeat deadly pathogens. In fact, it is very rare for someone with optimized vitamin D levels to come down with the flu.

A Great Many Are Vitamin D Deficient

In winter time in the US, the typical vitamin D levels is only at about 15-18 ng/ml, an extremely serious deficiency state. Additionally, it is thought more than a whopping 95 percent of senior citizens in America may be vitamin D deficient. That's not the only whopping statistic: 85 percent of the American public is considered vitamin D deficient as well! Further, the Mercola archives claim that:

  • Being deficient in vitamn D is a major problem in adults, young or old, with darker skin, like folks whose progenitors are Africans, the Middle Easterners, or Indians, who constantly wear sunscreen, or who don't partake in very many outdoor activities.
  • Black people and other people with darker skin, and also the folks residing in northern latitudes make much less vitamin D than other groups.
  • Sixty-five percent of people with type-2 diabetes have vitamin D deficiency.
  • Studies made clear that very low levels of vitamin D has become an epidemic among young kids, the old, and vast majority of the female population.
  • A study done in America revealed that almost one in two black women of fourteen and up may have a vitamin D deficiency.

Doctors Clinic Houston has been providing people with a bevy of health cares needs for time immemorial. Check out their bevy of articles, many of which are about important subjects like cancer and heart disease, in the Medical Blog section.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Three Unexpected Benefits of Donating Blood

Most folks who end up donating blood do it because they want to help others. And that is fantastic. Doing so just once may actually help save the lives of up to three people. But still, the percentage of the US population that actually does donate blood is very low, with less than ten percent making a donation every year.

So why don’t more people donate? Don’t most of us have a desire to help others? Something as seemingly innocuous as spending thirty minutes donating blood to save three human life forms sounds like a deed of extraordinary effect, doesn’t it? No question, it is, but unfortunately a great many claim to have never given it a thought, for they were too busy; others, that they just don’t like needles. Whether the responses are a prevarication or are genuine, the fact is that most just prefer not to do it.

However, it may just be time for folks to reconsider their choice to forgo donating blood, because recent studies tell us that giving blood may not just help others, but it may help the one donating as well. Read more to find out what these benefits are.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Sugar: A Leading Promoter of Cancer & Heart Disease

Over 1.6 million new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in the United States of America this year – and over half a million are expected to die from the disease. Another 600,000 Americans die every single year due to heart disease – it being the number one cause of death among both males and females.

The culprit? Experts are beginning to suspect that sugar is the one to blame. And it makes sense. The American diet heavily depends on sugar. Without it, food just seems to bland and insipid for folks. This is quite the problem - especially if sugar is indeed the promoter of cancer and heart disease that experts say that it is.

So cut the sugar, and reduce the risk of cancer. Right? Yes and no. It is true that cutting sugar intake is a good for your health. But it also depends on what you substitute for the absence of sugar in your diet. Many folks turn to artificial sweeteners, thinking that they would be a better alternative. That is absolutely not true. High fructose corn syrup, one of the main substitutes for sugar, has been found to damage the body on a large scale - from causing fertility issues to impaired eyesight to cancer.

Need help with designing just the right diet plan? Doctors Clinic Houston can help you with that. Our nutritionists and health gurus have a deep understanding of how the body works and what it takes to maintain premium health. Our weight loss programs will help you lose that excess fat around your waist so that you can look and feel good. Change your life. Schedule an appointment today!

Sports Injuries: Treatment and Prevention

The number of recreational athletes across the West has taken a dramatic upturn since the early 1970s. Since 1974, youth soccer annual registration numbers has seen a 2900% increase – and yes, that there is not a typo. High school sports participation has increased for 22 straight years. Children are beginning to join sports leagues at a younger age on average: the average age being 6 and a half now as opposed to 8 and a half.

All this is fantastic. Sports are an incredible way for one to keep his or her body active and in optimal condition. This uptick in sports participation has also led to a rise in the number of sports injuries, which has led to a demand in the treatment for said injuries. The number of sports injuries are legion; from ACL tears, to sprained ankles, to concussions, to hip pointers, to cauliflower ears. Doctors Clinic Houston has a team of doctors that can help diagnose and treat just about every sports injury known to exist. Each has his or her expertise, or field of specialty. Together, they've got what it takes to help you get back to your desired healthy state.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Chiropractor Services for Providing Long Term Relief from Chronic Pain

The clinics offering services by Chiropractor in Houston can provide long term relief from chronic pain and aches. The area of Houston is well renowned for the expert Chiropractor services and people from all over the world have benefitted from this world class treatment. The professionals will perform a proper diagnosis so that the cause of your problem is properly evaluated before proceeding with the treatment. Licensed and qualified chiropractors provide different programs for pain management in Houston for treating various problems involving your muscles, ligaments, bones, cartilages and the nervous system. They have the required expertise and experience in this business.

The services for back pain treatment in Houston are assured to relieve you from your chronic back pain and will help you to resume your normal activities once again. You can then lead a pain free and happy life. For more information on chiropractor services in Houston, you can take the help of the web.